First day of Spring!

I haven't posted and not for lack of trying. I've been busy re-writing Marauders and when I'm not writing, I collage. I've also enrolled in a free online Creative Writing class and I'm totally enjoying it while sharpening my grammar.  I've also rescued a black kitten named Nina and we are getting to know each other.  At this moment she is exploring behind shelving's where I keep the art supplies.

Writing Marauders has a lot to do with the current Collage work I'm doing. It's not much simpler than cut ups or paintings because like all my art projects, the word dictates the pace and what goes in it. Cut ups and Collage is how the protagonist in my story finds her voice.

I also play act when I write to get the feel completely of the character I'm writing about. Last night I was reading how Metropolis the film came about and its inception is no different than William Burroughs' cut up writings. At least to me it isn't.

I've added Collage work I've completed as I write. I hope to incorporate it in the book if I'm published, even if its the back of the book.