My book is being edited. In the mean time I paint


Between painting and writing I've been busy!

Here I come 2017!


On June 6, 2016 I had an art exhibition at the Jadite Gallery on 46th street and it was a success selling two painting.   It is always mind blowing when I think about how my art is hanging on someone's living room or office, someone I've never met who loved my work so much they bought it!

I've been busy with my daughters college graduation then preparing for the show to sit down and post; however, now that my schedule is finally clean I can pick up where I left off a month ago.

There are so many people I have to thank for the show, Miquen Tan the faciliator and a long time family friend, Roland Saenz the gallery owner for giving me the gallery space, Cary Kaufman Hindi, my very first friend who came up from Florida for the show. Joani, Carole, Julia, Jake, Fran, my daughter Erin, and my Pookie...I don't want to forget anybody.

And all the wonderful guests!

art show invitation

First day of Spring!

I haven't posted and not for lack of trying. I've been busy re-writing Marauders and when I'm not writing, I collage. I've also enrolled in a free online Creative Writing class and I'm totally enjoying it while sharpening my grammar.  I've also rescued a black kitten named Nina and we are getting to know each other.  At this moment she is exploring behind shelving's where I keep the art supplies.

Writing Marauders has a lot to do with the current Collage work I'm doing. It's not much simpler than cut ups or paintings because like all my art projects, the word dictates the pace and what goes in it. Cut ups and Collage is how the protagonist in my story finds her voice.

I also play act when I write to get the feel completely of the character I'm writing about. Last night I was reading how Metropolis the film came about and its inception is no different than William Burroughs' cut up writings. At least to me it isn't.

I've added Collage work I've completed as I write. I hope to incorporate it in the book if I'm published, even if its the back of the book.


January 13, 2016 at 10:49 PM the book was finished.

Just have to go back and repaint some scenes and it'll be complete.

I'm already mentally writing the sequel but I've decided to take time out and replenish my thought process by painting and catching up on other things I've put aside devoting all my free time writing.

Cut ups and Collage work will also be an important part of the sequel and because of it I'm finding myself in the future story telling. The characters are the same, older and maybe wiser and always on a journey. 


Christmas 2015

Wow, the last time I posted was back in October! and this going to be my last entry for 2015. It's not that I don't enjoy posting here; more like I don't post because I'm always on FB. If you're interested in what's going on with me, simply go to my FB page.

I am in the last chapter of my book. Almost finished.  I am very excited how its turning out and it is almost finished . 2016 is going to be a fun year for me. Whether I find a publisher or not, this story wanted to be said and it has been fun writing it.

2016 is just around the corner, I had hoped to finished the first book by now, take time off taking a break a break; for me is to empty myself out and decompress, then somewhere in there  paint and start writing the second book of the Trilogy.

Who knows, if I stay away from FB I might be able to stick to my imposed deadline.

I am looking forward to a new year and the exciting things I'll help co-create.


I've been working on cut ups trying to recapture work I did in the late 70's. Foolishly I threw them out because at the time they caused me too much pain to look at.  I'm currently writing about that particular journey, chapter 6 and hoping my new collage-cut up work does it justice.

I also finished NYC anywhere.

A typical wall you find anywhere in a City where nothing lasts for ever.

nyc anywhere wall.jpg

Cut up Message...

Here it is.

I cut words and letters from newspapers, threw them in a folder and with eyes closed pulled them one at a time, I had no clue what message I was getting and the message is on point to what's going on right now in my life today. Sadly, the original cut ups I made in the early 80's are gone and following the thread of energy in the story I came up with new ones.   I also think the message relates to what's going on with the painting too.  I'm researching the message as it relates to the nothingness in the painting. Will work on it this weekend.

Writing update and painting

I have been very busy writing and painting.  I started chapter 6 over Labor Day Weekend and worked on it in between strokes of paints.

I am feeling very good about both pieces and the collage work for the book. 

I've also been re-reading The Third Mind by William Burroughs attempting and completing cut up sentences also for the book.  Below are a few samples of both.

second avenue finished.jpg


The book is writing itself.

Today I play acted the protagonist's first step towards art work by cutting up cut ups. That's the kind of fun I'm having writing because I get to be hands on the project in order to feel the process.

cut ups 1


I have completed 5 chapters of my book and I am very excited how it is coming along.

There is not book without the paintings. 

End of July

I haven't been painting much because I have been writing. The art and the story are the one and the same, with extras.

I am feeling really good about it because it is flowing practically writing itself. 

I just completed another chapter and going back to it, I don't believe it requires much more editing. That's why I'm going to paint for the rest of the day or until I am too tired to go on.

The body of work I started about a month ago is an idea of what emptiness lays beneath the skin. I want to capture what's on the inside as opposed to the outside.  I don't want lines or boundaries because space has neither. 

Leaving it at that. I'll let the painting go where it wants to.



I'm back....


I put the idea of painting out of my head this time around and simply enjoyed paradise. Didn't feel the anxiety I felt last year when all I could think about was my art and studio back home. You could say I did normal things for a change instead of feeling anxious the whole time I was there.

Last night during a lovely thunderstorm I caught up on all the shows I missed and this morning I woke up cleaning and burning incense.

Time to start my new work.


Three of my portraits are on display at Mother Earth Gallery for sale. 

I can't think of a better place for them to be.

Masks and Portraits

My friend Rob's masks arrived today.

We are putting on a show together. I have 3 portraits and he has masks which coincidentally go very well together.  

I'll be dropping his work at the Mother Earth Gallery tomorrow along with my new business cards.

business cards


Finished it!.

Abstracts always leave me exhausted because  all of me goes into it.  

New DNA that's interesting. I like it when they name themselves.

On the writing front I have completed 4 chapters which include the art work.  The story and the art go hand in hand.  As the writing progresses so does the art work. It expands more and more.

Showing at Mother Earth Gallery

I'm very excited.  Just ordered new business cards to format with my website. Instead of writing a very long CV I included the site name and who is ever interested can see for themselves what my art is about.


When I don't paint I write.  Both the art and the prose are related. I have a lot of first drafts to review and re-write. The weather hasn't been cooperating, there an annoying chill in the air and I can[t paint with cold hands.  What I like about the studio of being close to nature and my trees.

The when the wind blows it feels like the trees are clapping. I take cues from it.

Today I had to come inside because of the chill in the air.