Christmas 2015

Wow, the last time I posted was back in October! and this going to be my last entry for 2015. It's not that I don't enjoy posting here; more like I don't post because I'm always on FB. If you're interested in what's going on with me, simply go to my FB page.

I am in the last chapter of my book. Almost finished.  I am very excited how its turning out and it is almost finished . 2016 is going to be a fun year for me. Whether I find a publisher or not, this story wanted to be said and it has been fun writing it.

2016 is just around the corner, I had hoped to finished the first book by now, take time off taking a break a break; for me is to empty myself out and decompress, then somewhere in there  paint and start writing the second book of the Trilogy.

Who knows, if I stay away from FB I might be able to stick to my imposed deadline.

I am looking forward to a new year and the exciting things I'll help co-create.